First up: I'm Sargeras, of course. I think most of you know me already. I started out as a Friendly Beige Titan, but then I got evil as a plot device and now I'm a Mean Dark Titan of Burning Metal. I command armies of demons, I ravage planets, I write poetry. It's a living. I'm also apparently the main antagonist of this game called World of Warcraft. Not really sure how that one happened.
Anyway you can learn more about me by reading this blog, by visiting my pages on Facebook and WoWWiki, or by sending me an e-mail.
The other member of my little team informed me on his first day of employment that his job title is "webmaster." Ha! He is my webservant, and his "compensation" is that I don't eat him. But I suppose I'll let him introduce himself, shall I?
Thank you, Mr. Sargeras, sir! And hello everyone. My name is Brian Buckley, and that's my charming face you see above you. I live in the great state of Ohio, USA, and as of this writing I am 23 years old. I took this job because I didn't want my face melted off, I mean, because me and Sargeras are such great buddies!
Basically I run the Dark Titan's blog for him, manage his online presence, screen his e-mails, and (lowers voice) sometimes help write the posts. Only a little, of course!
What can I tell you about myself? Well, I graduated from the Ohio State University two years ago with a degree in computer science, and I'm now happily employed as a computer programmer by day. By night I'm a (mostly) unpublished aspiring author, working on a science fiction novel in my spare time. If you want to see a little sample of my non-Sargerial writing, you can check out my DeviantArt page, though I haven't updated it in ages and much of the stuff I have posted there is ancient.
I juggle, I play Go, and I am learning karate. I am also learning Dvorak so this is taking an awfully long time to type. I love Star Trek, The Lord of the Rings, and dill pickles; I hate Twitter, The Name of the Wind, and sweet pickles. In real life I am ridiculously tall.
And for the record, no, I do not actually play World of Warcraft. It looks like a sweet game but I don't have the time. I did start a character once, in college, and played for about two hours.
I was a dwarf hunter.
So now you know. Any questions for me, I mean, us?
Why do you hate Twitter? Sargeras's twitter would be awesome.. :(
How's Dvorak working for ya? I've been wanting to switch sometime, but never knew if it was worth it.
Ooh, I would follow the Dark Titan on twitter in a heartbeat.
I, for one, feel the world is a bit safer with Brian avoiding Twitter on the Dark Titan's behalf. However, if Sargeras decides to ignore his webservant and challenge the Fail Whale on his own... I will be there... waiting.
Oh, you're writing a book? I prefer fantasy to science fiction, but I'd drop whatever I was currently reading to read something you've written!
Also, I always pictured you to be in your late 30's and slightly balding. Is that a bad thing?
@ Mely & Vit & Medivh: Dunno, it's just one of those things I guess...somehow Twitter does not appeal to me at all.
@ bfg: I started Dvorak a while back so I'm sorta familiar with it already, but I'm finally taking the plunge and switching over 100%. It's slow going so far. Ask me again in a month!
@ Ariedan: Um, not really sure how to take that... ;-)
Not only is Brian freakishly tall but he eats everything he can (except sweet pickles). This will include other people's lunches, even if the mashed potatoes/snow peas/mushrooms are actually quite disgusting. If we pit him against Sargeras in an eating contest, well, Sargeras would win, but it might be close.
Eh no attention to Warraven, folks! Just because we're friends in real life and she knows my personal secrets is, uh, no reason to believe anything she says!
Agreed! Down with Twitter!!
Oh, and, um ... Hi Brian!
Brian also plays a mean game of Scrabble.
I see your webservant boasts quite a height. Not as much as me, but am sure he doesn't encounter as many problems passing through doors.
As with others, I am very interested to see what stories he comes up with.
I have to give you props for rolling a dwarf.
*thumbs up*
@zefokazawin "rolling a dwarf" makes it sound like a mugging. Which is actually kinda fitting.
hhmm... 'rolling a dwarf' also sounds like some sort of strange lingo related to smoking.
Dark titan, is regular tobacco just not good enogh for you? do you have to smoke sentient beings?
I'm also curious about this. If so, being that the night elves are more "herbal", do they provide the best and purest high?
Since Sargeras won't marry me and have my babies(someday I'll be as good as Azeroth!), will you Brian? ^^
Kudos for all the hard work you've put into this blog, Brian. I'm sure Sargeras will be lenient with you when the time comes for our destruction!
"but then I got evil as a plot device"
This made me lol, irl! :)
Hi Brian, nice to meet you. I'm glad to hear that the Dark Titan has someone to assist him in his literary efforts. I don't like Twitter, either. After all, it starts with twit, and we all know where that ends.
*ruffles the Dark Titan's hair and scampers off*
@ Sindrow: *waves* Hi!
@ Arthas: Yeah, this tallness thing really seems to be going around huh? Titans have the hardest time finding things in their size...
@ zefokazawin: I don't *have* to smoke sentient beings, no. 8-)
@ Red: You can have some wild trips smoking a Draenei, actually.
@ Eyra: I'm taken, actually. And she reads this blog, so watch what you say. ;-)
@ Leochica: Thank you very much!
Sargeras said...
"@ Red: You can have some wild trips smoking a Draenei, actually."
What you meant to say was ofcourse:
You can have some wild trips smoking a couple of thousand Draenei rolled in their ancestors skin held together with only the cutest baby deer, actually.
@ ceestar42: Careful, his hair is fiery!
@ Alkaliho: Certainly wouldn't be the first time a cute baby deer was exploited.
Brian, I find it quite impressive that you research things that most WoW players do not. It shows a good appreciation for a good story.
Thanks Tirion. :-) I think partly it's just that, since I don't know how much the average WoW player knows normally, I try to get everything right as much as possible so my bases are covered.
If you ever decide to play WoW, for the record, I'm claiming you to play on my server. Just so you know.
I'll keep that in mind. ;-)
Pursuant to our agreement regarding "I'll guest post on your blog if you take my web servant Brian out for dinner and dancing...that guy really needs to get laid" I'm ready to take delivery.
Played for 2 hours and didn't get sucked in? Is there something WRONG with you? Well, obviously there is but seriously? ;) lol
Oh and yay for Buckeyes! Always lived in the Columbus area until last year. :)
Dwarf hunters FTW!!!
How is your novel going, and what suggestions do you have for fellow writers?
Why did you make a blogg sargeras did you forget how much time i put into corrupting you???
Jeez bad Guys Come Hard
Go Gators!!!
@ Dorn: But I already have a girlfriend!
@ Mandra: Rock on. :-D
@ Anon: The novel is mostly done actually, just needs some revision (okay, a lot of revision). As for suggestions, that could fill a blog post in itself, but my #1 suggestion is never, ever give up!
@ Yogg: Nice blog, I like the style ;-)
@ Anon UF: DIAF
Brian, you are in fact freakishly tall, and a human garbage dispoal. I miss having you around to finish my un-wanted lunches! Like nasty salads from Joey's...
So if you don't play, how do you learn the Lore to make the comments? Wowwiki? Where do you get the material?
But most importantly, where did you get the idea to make the blog?
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