My name is pronounced SAR-gur-rus.
That's "SAR," as in star without the T, and "gur" like the grrr sound a dog would make, and then Russ like a man's name.
"All well and good," you may say, "but I would really like this information presented in a way that is both graphical and semi-retarded."
Hypothetical beseecher, beseech no more. Your wish is granted.

(If for some unfathomable reason you want to see this bigger, you may click to enlarge.)
Well, anyway, now you know. You may proceed to correct all your guildmates on the error of their ways regarding this crucial issue. At least until they kick you out of your guild.
Have a great weekend!
"That's "SAR," as in star without the T, and "gur" like the grrr sound a dog would make, and then Russ like a man's name."
Hmm...when I first read this, I thought "Russ" was actually "Ass".....oh well.
That dog looks rather mad, which ~could~ still lead one to believe you mean for the stress to be on the second syllable.
Or that the second half's actually "grussell", which sounds like gristle.
I don't feel this is actually retarded enough to properly explain. Maybe we can get a demonic speak n' spell in here to help out.
Eat rhebus, mortals.
@ Anonymous: I'm not sure Mr. Crowe would appreciate that. :-O
@ Red: "I don't feel this is actually retarded enough to properly explain." XD
@ Soeroah: I'm going to scream that during my next planetary incineration. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. Unbridled terror mixed with slight confusion.
" "but I would really like this information presented in a way that is both graphical and semi-retarded." "
This has to be the best description, of how to pronounce a name, that I have ever read! (including, of course, the images). Everything makes so much sense now!! Thanks o' great Lord! lol
heh. I'm going to keep on saying your name -my- way "sar-jur-us" and you can just try to find me when my planet come up on your list.
You know, that dog looks kind of familiar.Is it Lassie? If so, he will make a fine addition to the Legion - next time Kil'Jaeden gets stuck in a well right in the middle of a planetary invasion, you have the resources right there to free him and get on with the slaughter. A most excellent move, Lord Sargeras.
@ Alej: Glad to help. Language education is really what the Burning Legion is all about.
@ ceestar42: As long as the meter still flows!
@ Phylumist: Looks more like Lassie's evil twin. Which would be appropriate for the Legion I suppose.
"Sar-JER-us" works, too.
Had to delete the last one because some ghouls ate half of what I typed after I clicked "Post Comment".
the way i always thought it was pronounced was "Sar" star-t, "Gair" g+air, "Us"... us. idk, maybe its just this damn english. o, an while were talkin about language, shouldnt this blog be in some other language? like... not... english? maybe engrish? o, an dat pogrom j00 recumendad, it dadnt halp nun. dey tryd mekin me stap mai hibbits. fsck dat, mann. fsck dat.
I pronounce it like Blizzard because Blizzard made you.
Silly Titan.
(P.S., if you're going on a world-destroying spree in the area, avoid Filgaia. They're good at fighting back.)
I pronounce it like I want because I'm two million years older than Blizzard.
Silly mortal!
At first glance with only looking at the pictures before reading the post, I ended up with Sar-Grr-Ass...
What? He looked condescending!
You'd be intimidating if I was mortal. But I'm not.
Sorry, Sar-GARE-uss.
I have guildmates who can't pronounce "melee," "nuclear," or "Bush is a grinning crackhead" and I'm supposed to get them to pronounce "Sargeras"? I'd have as much luck teaching a fel orc how to pronounce "pacifist."
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