Thursday, April 16, 2009


When Dorn asked me to do a guest post on his blog, it's possible he did not expect me to write incredibly awkward sexual revelations. Such is the way of things!

If you have a WoW blog and want the Pulverizer of Planets to do a guest post, send me an e-mail, even if your blog is a small one. There's a good chance I will say yes.

Peace out yo.


Anthony Clarke said...

That was an... interesting post, sarge.
I think you're a bit old for Aezoroth though.
I'm sure dorn was as suprised as we were.

Anonymous said...

Rule 34, of a different sort, success!

Soeroah said...


Unknown said...


Red said...

@_@ I got tingly from reading it. That normally only happens if I touch a light socket.

And now we know Black Morass is aptly named.

Anonymous said...

I think the way you made sweet love to that blog post is greater than the way you love Azeroth. Maybe the fantasy is better than reality?

Dorn said...

I'll take The(planet)rapist for $500, Alex

Anonymous said...

Uh......... wow. That's certainly... a new light to look at you in.

- Dyn

Sargeras said...

To all those who may be wondering: yes, in the future, we will indeed pretend this never happened.

Ataera said...

Hey, when you are a large lord of evil, you need a large ... planet ... to love you back. >.>

Anonymous said...

So what does TMIgeddon mean exactly?

Sargeras said...

TMIgeddon = TMI (Too Much Information) + Armageddon.

The apotheosis of the repulsively personal.

Anonymous said...

TMIgeddon should have made the shirt design, I would be extremely willing to throw money at you for that design, my lord.

And (un)fortunately, pretending it never happened would be hard to accoplish, for it has been recorded into the history pages of the internet for all eternity, master. (Until you crush/blow it up)

Sargeras said..., you say? I shall think well on your words.

As for blowing up the Internet...don't tempt me.

Might Mun said...

"[SARGERAS]: i wear little pink girly panties"

did azeroth convince you to do that?

Member of Kirin Tor council said...

Hmmm... Am I only one noticing something strange around here? I remember when wars came, people were decimated and just few minutes later towns were full again, people walked the streets. The birth rate seems to be unusually high, and now Lord admits his relationship with whole planet. Coincidence? Maybe... Or not?

Sargeras said...


@ MoKTc: Paternity test are NOT the father!!! "OHHHHH!!!"

Eyra said...

And that is why you're a being of such a large size, according to your else are you going to, er, enjoy a planet properly? =)

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