Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scourge Chat Log #2

Here's another one I scrounged up. A bit shorter than the first one but it still "brings the lulz" as you kids say these days.

[Killzone’jaeden]: ...and that's how I spent three weeks selling fire extinguishers in Gnomeregan.

[theLichKing]: Hahaha! Oh man, in context it makes perfect sense.

[Killzone’jaeden]: So on a completely unrelated note

[Killzone’jaeden]: When are you planning to get off your ass and help us out with some Burning Crusade action

[theLichKing]: Man, I already told you

[theLichKing]: I don't do that shit anymore

[theLichKing]: I'm all about the freezing. It's, like, the _opposite_ of burning.

[Killzone’jaeden]: Please

[theLichKing]: No

[Killzone’jaeden]: Please

[theLichKing]: NO! Dude if you can't let this go, I'm logging off right now.

[Killzone’jaeden]: Man what is your deal...I don't see why you can't crusade just a little

[Killzone’jaeden]: Start the occasional bonfire

[Killzone’jaeden]: Light a scented candle once in a while...every tiny bit helps

[Killzone’jaeden]: Why won't you serve me?

[theLichKing]: You mean aside from the hideous, horrific torture?

[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah besides that

[theLichKing]: Ok look. The whole Burning Crusade is stupid.

[Killzone’jaeden]: Why?

[theLichKing]: You have no endgame.

[Killzone’jaeden]: *cough*DestroyEveryLivingThingInTheUniverse*cough*

[theLichKing]: Ok, then what?

[Killzone’jaeden]: Then I dance on Aegwynn's corpse.

[theLichKing]: Um...ok. Then what?

[Killzone’jaeden]: Well, I'm going to be doing that for a pretty long time.

[Killzone’jaeden]: Like, three years.

[Killzone’jaeden]: I plan to really make the most of my corpse-dancing potential. I have sort of a gift, you know?

[Killzone’jaeden]: Plus Aegwynn is *such* a bitch

[theLichKing]: THEN WHAT

[Killzone’jaeden]: Dude, I dunno

[Killzone’jaeden]: Cross-stitch?

***User "Sindragosa1337" has entered the chat.***

[Sindragosa1337]: wh4t 1s up p33ps

[Sindragosa1337]: i h4ve a ?

[Sindragosa1337]: lets say hyp0theticaly, youd slaught3r3d somewhere in the neighborh00d of... lets say... 1,200 dwarves

[Killzone’jaeden]: Been there.

[Sindragosa1337]: and it was m3ssy

[theLichKing]: Done that.

[Sindragosa1337]: and now j00 cannot get t3h blood off ur talons

[Sindragosa1337]: r3commend a cleaning pr0duct for this hypothetical situation pl0x

[Killzone’jaeden]: Dwarf blood is notoriously difficult to remove. I recommend soaking in vinegar.

[Sindragosa1337]: o rly?

[Killzone’jaeden]: NOPE!

[Killzone’jaeden]: I WAS LYING! Vinegar will have NO EFFECT

[Killzone’jaeden]: See I DECEIVED YOU

[Killzone’jaeden]: Cuz I'm THE DECEIVER

[Killzone’jaeden]: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Killzone’jaeden]: *sigh* I have never known true intimacy.

[Sindragosa1337]: hey are j00 still cross-dress1ng these days?

[Killzone’jaeden]: Oh you know it.

[Sindragosa1337]: w4nt to borrow my l1pst1ck?

[Sindragosa1337]: i dont n33d it anym0re due to a lack of l1ps

[Killzone’jaeden]: Hells to the yes please.

[theLichKing]: WTF is wrong with you

[Killzone’jaeden]: I'm not actually going to wear the lipstick. I just say things like that because it's liberating.

[Sindragosa1337]: hes r1ght

[Sindragosa1337]: break1ng d0wn stere0types

[Killzone’jaeden]: "I loved Sex and the City."

[Sindragosa1337]: "i urin4t3 standing up"

[Killzone’jaeden]: Try it

[theLichKing]: NO

[Killzone’jaeden]: "I call up my friends just to talk."

[Sindragosa1337]: "i h4v3 a genuine interest in the 0utcome of footb4ll games"

[Killzone’jaeden]: "I honestly believe that lavender and mauve are different things."

[Sindragosa1337]: "burp1ng is rel3vant to my 1nterests"

[theLichKing]: I'm not pretending I'm a woman.

[Killzone’jaeden]: So just say something random then. It'll make you feel better.

[theLichKing]: Ugh... like what?

[Killzone’jaeden]: I don't know.

[Killzone’jaeden]: How about...

[Killzone’jaeden]: "At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes."

[Sindragosa1337]: rofl

[theLichKing]: What does that even mean? That doesn't mean anything.

[theLichKing]: I'm not saying that.

[Killzone’jaeden]: You don't have to say it...just type it

[Sindragosa1337]: wh4ts teh harm

[Killzone’jaeden]: It's just us.

[Sindragosa1337]: th3r3 is n0thing to ph33r

[Killzone’jaeden]: Do it

[Sindragosa1337]: do it

[Killzone’jaeden]: Do it

[Sindragosa1337]: do it

[Sindragosa1337]: d0 33t

[Killzone’jaeden]: You don't even have to type it. Just copy and paste. "At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes."

[Killzone’jaeden]: You *know* you want to.

[theLichKing]: FINE. Just to make you guys stfu.

***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.***

[theLichKing]: At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes.

[Kel’Thuz4d]: TMIgeddon

***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has left the chat.***

[theLichKing]: OMG

[Killzone’jaeden]: OMFG

[Sindragosa1337]: z0mg

[Sindragosa1337]: 3pic

[Sindragosa1337]: 3p1c

[theLichKing]: *WRATH*

[Sindragosa1337]: Th1s 1s a gr34t day 1n h15t0ry

[Killzone’jaeden]: Hey you should probably get that fixed by the way

[Sindragosa1337]: wh4t?

[Killzone’jaeden]: Whatever it is about your keyboard that's making you sound like a fucktard

[Killzone’jaeden]: By confusing Arabic numerals with the effing Roman alphabet.

[Sindragosa1337]: its called 1337

[Killzone’jaeden]: What a coincidence

[Killzone’jaeden]: One thousand, three hundred thirty-seven is the exact number of dumbass script kiddies I crushed into oblivion yesterday.

***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.***

[Kel’Thuz4d]: *eyes LK uncertainly*

[theLichKing]: *eyes Kelthuzad uncertainly*

[Kel’Thuz4d]: We will never speak of it again.

[Sindragosa1337]: hey k3lly i have a ?

[theLichKing]: *sigh* To remove dwarf blood, soak in hydrogen peroxide then sacrifice a goat to Aule.

[Sindragosa1337]: 0h tnx

[Sindragosa1337]: but th4t wasnt my ? this tim3

[Sindragosa1337]: im just cur10us wh4t its lik3 to b3 a fightable b0ss

[Sindragosa1337]: im kind4 nerv0us

[Kel’Thuz4d]: ok remember when you died

[Sindragosa1337]: um yah

[Kel’Thuz4d]: imagine that, eighty times a day

[Sindragosa1337]: 0uch

[Kel’Thuz4d]: actually its not so bad

[Kel’Thuz4d]: its fun when raids wipe

[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah and you can always tell which guilds are going to suck

[Killzone’jaeden]: Rule of Guild Names: The more awesome the guild name tries to sound, the more the guild sucks.

[Killzone’jaeden]: If I see, like, "Lords Of Chaos And Darkness"... done

[Killzone’jaeden]: "The Right Hand Of God"... they don't even make it through the instance

[Killzone’jaeden]: But if I ever see, like, "Ain't Misbehavin"

[Killzone’jaeden]: I'm like SHIT

[Sindragosa1337]: XD

[Kel’Thuz4d]: hey sindragosa have you seen anub'arak

[Sindragosa1337]: n0pe

[Sindragosa1337]: i think he h4s a l1vej0urnal though

[Sindragosa1337]: try se4rching the web

[Sindragosa1337]: haha get it "web"

[Kel’Thuz4d]: you cant be making fun of him just bc hes a spider

[Sindragosa1337]: y n0t?

[Kel’Thuz4d]: weve been over this...remember ur sensitivity training

[Sindragosa1337]: oh i am s3nsitive...dr4gons are a pr0ud peopl3 with a rich cultur4l heritage

[Sindragosa1337]: r4cism is a srs issue

[Sindragosa1337]: phylumism is just hil4rious

[Sindragosa1337]: "hey look at me im all cool, >8< spider pride"

[Sindragosa1337]: "oh no something larger than a golf ball"

[Sindragosa1337]: "eeek ~8~ spider squish"

[Kel’Thuz4d]: :-O

[theLichKing]: Hey show a little respect for diversity

[Sindragosa1337]: "hmmm a complex problem, let me solve it"

[Sindragosa1337]: "oh wait i dont have a prefrontal cortex"

[Sindragosa1337]: "guess ill just twitch like usual"

[Killzone’jaeden]: OMG

[Sindragosa1337]: wyrms before worms amirite

[theLichKing]: Not appropriate at all

[Kel’Thuz4d]: like seriously

[Killzone’jaeden]: We were just joking before.

[theLichKing]: The Scourge does not condone this sort of thing.

[Killzone’jaeden]: Or the Legion.

[theLichKing]: At all.

[Killzone’jaeden]: At all.

[Kel’Thuz4d]: dont hate

[theLichKing]: I'm out of here.

[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah me too.

[Kel’Thuz4d]: 4 reals

***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has left the chat.***

***User "theLichKing" has left the chat.***

***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.***

[Sindragosa1337]: *looks around*

[Sindragosa1337]: Whose woods these are I think I know

[Sindragosa1337]: His house is

[Sindragosa1337]: Fuck it.

***User "Sindragosa1337" has left the chat.***


Anonymous said...


Man, I like to read it! Really good idea that of yours. Keep it going! x)

See ya! And thanks for that. :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the hilarity

Anonymous said...

Awesome lol. Keep making them and keep advertising it on the forums =D

Anonymous said...

Best thing ever... >8< spider pride!

Please continue!

Anonymous said...

Sindragosa quoting Robert Frost. Omg O_O

Anonymous said...

I think it was better without the swearing.

Molinu said...

Loved the "Rule of Guild Names"!

Anonymous said...

[Killzone’jaeden]: But if I ever see, like, "Ain't Misbehavin"

[Killzone’jaeden]: I'm like SHIT
That had me in tears...

Please keep it coming! :)

Anonymous said...

[Sindragosa1337]: "oh no something larger than a golf ball"

[Sindragosa1337]: "eeek ~8~ spider squish"


Kardall said...

Simply awesome. I love it all. Need to get Jinx to hook you up with some >8< Spider Pride tee's and stuff... Maybe put anub's head on it, with a spiderweb on the bottom right corner or something... I could do something up but... mmm maybe I will and I'll post a reply in here...

Marzenia said...

Sindragosa1337 should keep going:

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

I love scourge chat log! Give moar!

Aislinna said...

Hmm. Isn't theLichKing supposed to be like, afraid of Killzone’jaeden? They sound so chummy now...

Anonymous said...


Missed her :(

Awesome one though keep it up!

Anonymous said...

have horde or alliance chat too, like horde not liking the BE's and a bit coutious towards the forsaken.

Pinkfinger said...

Oh man, in context it makes perfect sense


Anonymous said...

I liked it more without all the swearing.
Just my 2c

Bunny said...

[Sindragosa1337]: "hmmm a complex problem, let me solve it"

[Sindragosa1337]: "oh wait i dont have a prefrontal cortex"

[Sindragosa1337]: "guess ill just twitch like usual"

Still has me in tears every time I read this long.

Treeston said...

wyrms before worms amirite

spclausen said...

"oh wait i dont have a prefrontal cortex"


Anonymous said...

Sindragosa is the bomb haha

[Sindragosa1337]: r4cism is a srs issue

[Sindragosa1337]: phylumism is just hil4rious

Anonymous said...

sorry but "rule of guild names"...incorrect...
one of the most reputable guilds on the server Kaos... they are 4/5 TOGC and normally have people pulling 6-9k dps on pugs...(i love it when they join mine!!)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

sorry but "rule of guild names"...incorrect...
one of the most reputable guilds on the server Kaos... they are 4/5 TOGC and normally have people pulling 6-9k dps on pugs...(i love it when they join mine!!)

^^ Fail

Anonymous said...

Seriously, reading that and you didn't crack up? The only thing you can come up with is a take on guild names? Ooh 6-9k dps. Get over yourself. Take your undies out of your butt and laugh a little

Tammyfae said...

lol "aint Misbehavin", fantastic.

Unknown said...

lolz it's very hilarious..

can i ask u guys 1 question?
i came from non-english speaking country, and i dont understand the slang about "At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes" means..

anyone can tell me?

Anonymous said...

@duy_duyz - It's simply a random thing for them to ask the Lich King to say. It's supposed to be utterly nonsensical, and a little strange.

Anonymous said...

[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah and you can always tell which guilds are going to suck

[Killzone’jaeden]: Rule of Guild Names: The more awesome the guild name tries to sound, the more the guild sucks.

[Killzone’jaeden]: If I see, like, "Lords Of Chaos And Darkness"... done

[Killzone’jaeden]: "The Right Hand Of God"... they don't even make it through the instance

[Killzone’jaeden]: But if I ever see, like, "Ain't Misbehavin"

[Killzone’jaeden]: I'm like SHIT

I cant read this log and without laughing ! GREAT GREAT GREAT !

Anonymous said...

I find this very funny... because it's awesome. :D

Anonymous said...

You must be so fun at parties. People IRL swear, get over it.

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