Completely unrelated to WoW, but too important not to mention: if you're not paying attention to what's happening in Iran right now, you should be.
Up-to-the-minute coverage can be found here.
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My what a spectacle, imagine what a flaming boulder rolling through that crowd would look like...
In case it's not clear, this is a real thing that is really happening in the real world, for real. It may be hard to understand, but not everything in the universe centers around WoW, or Sargeras. If you don't care, then by all means don't comment, but show a little respect for some people engaged in a genuine life-or-death struggle for freedom.
Translation: don't be a douchebag.
I hope they manage to overthrow Ahmadinejad - it's 'interesting' how he's trying to silence people, but the mass media works against him.
If the majority of the people are against him, they stand a chance, but if it's 60-40 for example, then I fear he may be able to rally enough people from his army to oppress the protestors - hopefully this doesn't turn into a bloodbath.
Forgive the ignorance, but I don't understand how the U.S. comes into this and how they are being accused of meddling into the election?
Yeah, this doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon, so I think the only two outcomes are revolution or violent crackdown. Hoping it all ends without too much blood.
The U.S. is the Iranian government's scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in their country - they're spinning the resistance as something that's primarily being instigated by foreign powers. That's why Obama's being so restrained in his support for the protesters - vocal support from the U.S. would do more harm than good right now.
Yeah...Me and the other Soldiers in my unit have been watching this all morning. I really, really hope there's not a huge loss of life.
Amen to that.
Amen is seconded. Its a shame how things are in the state of the world. My only hope is that people can become as blessed as we in the Western World. Blessings to those in Iran.
I can't even imagine the courage it takes to face the odds that these protestors are up against. The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were the first time I really understood how blessed we are to have our freedom. Thank you for the reminder Brian. Too many people will never know the rights we as Americans take for granted.
I hope this one ends differently than Tiananmen did.
For those who don't know what Rowanne's talking about, here's a starting point.
I really have no words for this. It's terrifying but I can't help but be inspired by the courage of the protesters.
Pretty much my thoughts too.
I get the feeling that more bloodshed is almost inevitable--I just hope that when all is said and done, freedom will reign. I will pray for those involved in the conflict.
Amen is thirded.
Just because i make a joke about it doesn't mean i dont take them seriously. Making light of something is what i do, as a personality thing.
They're protesting for their rights as citizens of a free world in the land of today, good for them. I hope they can achieve the freedom they rightfully should have.
But that doesn't stop the fact that the image posted above, to me, as amazing as it is, pops up such a fictitious idea posted above, especially coming from this specific blog. Did you forget your own disclaimer you put up top?
P.S. This post is by no means sarcastic. Nor does it intend to spark any flame wars. Evidently my post had upset you and I try to give additional explanation that it was in no way intended to be offensive.
I understand what you're saying, I just think that given the context (a situation where people are actually being shot at) it comes across as insulting, even if you didn't mean it that way. Even parody and humor are subject to such considerations.
Anyway, thanks for the clarification, no flame war forthcoming. I think even Sargeras tries to avoid flame wars, oddly enough.
I've been all over the elections since before this mess happened. I really believe this will will be an eye-opening experience for the Middle-East as a whole. Moreover because the protests are being fueled by the younger generations of the country, for the most part. I find almost funny in a way that their government is starting to actually fear it's people.
Yes, they can.
May the get the freedom they deserve.
The internet has changed everything so much. If memory doesn't fail me, there was an extremely similar situation in Iran not too long ago, but the government used a media blackout and their secret police to quickly crush it. With sites like twitter aggregating information, literally as it happens, Iran can no longer do this. The people cannot be silenced through intimidation, or arrests, there are simply too many of them. It's Iran's version of Anonymous (Think Scientology Protests -- Spontaneous Mass Action of people, without coherent leadership). Unfortunately this means that I see it ending in one of two ways. Military Coo, or Mass Execution (and when I say mass, I mean extremely large-scale).
This all makes me very sad.
@ Brian; Until I saw your comments, I thought you were posting in character. I was surprised when there wasn't even a joke, and when I found light humor in the comments, I was suprised when you shut it down. Then I realized you were posting seriously about a serious topic, out of character. Please make it utterly clear when you want a serious conversation and your posting as yourself, not sarge. It's a humorous blog, people come expecting humor....
[/walls of text]
>>> Completely unrelated to WoW <<<
>>> Labels: brian speaks <<<
It was fairly obvious, tbh.
Dazer had pretty much summed up what I saw when I first read the post.
There have been many instances where either of those tags still resulted in a non-serious post. Though that's beside the point and straying far from the topic of this blog post.
Hopefully it won't end in massive slaughter in the streets of Iran or anything like that :/ Maybe by some miracle they might be able to overthrow Ahmadinejad (or however his name is spelled), and possibly end the hostility with America (since at least Ahmadinejad seems to wants our country wiped off of the map) and Israel (which is pretty much ready to start a war with them it sounds like).
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