Friday, May 15, 2009

See what a great guy I am?

Two things!

First, I have a guest post over at the Unholy Hands blog wherein I reveal the secret to my own defeat. Go check it out!

(As a reminder, if you'd like me to guest post on your blog, just send me an e-mail! I will probably say yes. Unless of course your blog is a gold-selling blog. And yes, I have actually gotten such a request.)

Second, due to popular demand, all shirts are now available in light and dark colors! Get your black Spider Pride shirts now! You can even get a Defeat Everyone babydoll...

Spider Pride
Wyrms Before Worms
Defeat Everyone

See all the nice things I do? And still they say I'm the evil one...

LOBSMAARP: 65% (read the guest post to see why)


Anonymous said...

You're so nice, that people think you have a hidden motive. But all you want to do is make people happy before you blow up their planets. Is that what you're trying to say, my lord?

Lx said...

Best bossfight ever...

Tom said...

Truly Epic post my lord. 15/10

Eyra said...

If Blizzard actually made your fight like that, I'd laugh so hard :) However, we all know other healers -will- heal in the 2nd phase, which would cause me to go mad. Sargie, would you let that happen?
Also...I like the sound of the final battle :P <3
I must ask though, in my raid, say there is about 8 guys who are on girl toon (there are.) Are you going to be clever enough to kill them as well?

caydus said...

my lord you are awake very early it must be a busy week for you

Inka said...

Yay! Dark coloured shirts! Perhaps now I will display my 'spider pride'...


Max S. said...

Whee, finally dark-colored shirts! I've been waiting for this to buy one.

>8> >8< <8<

Sargeras said...

@ bfg: Exactly! Now why does that have to be so complicated?

@ Eyra: I will determine their true gender by asking whether they watch Gilmore Girls. ;-)

@ caydus: Still punchin' the old timeclock. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

@ Inka & Kate: Glad I can please. :-)

Ariedan said...

I'm definitely snagging a black Spider Pride one.

Sargeras said...

Awesome! Hmm, maybe I should've started with the black ones in the first place?

Jeza said...

Are we getting T shirts in Lavender and Mauve as well?

Sargeras said...

Actually if you look through all the options for the light-colored T-shirts, there are lots of colors to choose from.

Anonymous said...

Tie Dye shirts is all you're missing now, lol!

Ariedan said...

@ Sargeras, maybe. White is usually icky. :P

Ansawa said...

Thank you, Dark Lord. "Down with the Man!" means I will have a raiding slot again for my hunter in an instant. ♥

That, or my raid leader is going to force my druid to get a sex change. Does this attack strike down transexuals as well, or would I be all right with a pair of falsies?

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