Thursday, August 20, 2009

Haiku #53

Your vile smoking section is
separate but equal.


Anthony Clarke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anthony Clarke said...

it, my lord we're better
off with it destroyed


Sargeras said...

I'm my very own
portable smoking section.
Now that's convenience!

WhattupZimbabwe said...

Please, remove your noxious fumes
from my breathing space.

I am asthmatic,
my breath stolen by your sheer
fiery awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

I was a lurker
but now I unleash my bad
Haiku upon you

Flaming, unbridled
power, so mighty, but just
wants some more coffee

Romana the Explorer said...

Do you have netflix?
If so, try The IT Crowd,
Season 2, ep. 3

Romana the Explorer said...

It is free to watch
instantly and on-line too,
a funny show, lord.

Atomic said...

sahibinden araba
ikinci el araba

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