Europe was fun. I use the past tense for obvious reasons. Don't worry, though, my web dude was along too, and he snapped pictures! Let's see if I can dig up a few. Here we go...

Windsor Castle! Very pretty, that was. I hope Her Majesty's not too upset about my redecorating, but I really think the smoking rubble adds something to the decor.

I left Stonehenge alone, actually. It's already a ruin, so doing anything else just seemed gratuitous.

Westminster Abbey. Well, you know what they say: the bigger they are...
Hey, wait a minute! I'm not so sure I like that saying.

Pardon me, do you have the time? Time to build a new clock tower! Bwa ha ha.

Well, after taking care of Westminster it just wouldn't be right to leave out Notre Dame.

This arch was too low to let me pass under it. It had to go.

And finally, here's one I took myself, looking down on the Eiffel Tower.
So, it was a fun vacation. And you should know that anyone who claims London and Paris were not completely obliterated over the course of the last two obviously lying.
To everyone who e-mailed me while I was gone (and before), don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. We'll have a mailbag on Wednesday.
And sleep!
The Destroyer of Worlds sleeps?
Course, it's a tough job. Remember how disappointing the Legion minions are? I'd probably wanna sleep if I had to deal with that for millenia.
Looks like you had fun, hope you actually left something unburnt or someone alive so they can feebly rebuild the place just so you have something to burn again.
Yaaaaay, the Big Loveable Fuzzy Giant of Doom is back! Huzzah!
Welcome back Sargeras! we missed you!
Good to *be* back, peeps! How I missed my sweet, wonderful, horrible Twisting Nether.
Welcome back!
The internet was quiet and unsettling without you here. Now it's noisy and unsettling. Welcome back.
Welcome Back Sargie.
I'd say I missed you, but it just wouldn't be true.
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