Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New blog

Hi everybody!

This is Brian Buckley, the creator of Coffee With Sargeras. Just wanted to give you all a quick heads-up that I've started a new blog. It's not about WoW, or video games, and it's not primarily a humor blog. It's about writing - both my own writing (primarily the novel I'm working on) and my thoughts on writing in general. So it's a very different kind of thing, but also more personal. If you've ever wondered about the person behind the Sargeras blog, here's your chance to learn more.


Thanks so much. For reading. For everything.


Allosaurus said...

Awesome! I'm a huge fan of this blog in particular. Just came on here as a nostalgic impulse. I'll have to check out your new stuff.

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Gianna T said...

I look forward to learning more about your writing journey.

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