Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another brave soul

I asked for pictures of my readers wearing my exploitative capitalistic merchandise, and at first, only one person responded. Now a second intrepid fan has stepped forward to claim his place in the spotlight!

This young man prefers to remain anonymous, but he has informed me that his character is named Tharavol (Alliance on Korgath). Much more importantly, note that he has in his hands an artifact of unspeakable power and deliciousness: the BURNING LEGION SUPER SPICY ULTIMATE MEATLOAF!!!1

The combination of Spider Pride and BLSSUM in a single room - too much power for one man?!

If you, like these fine people, feel that you are perhaps too sexy for your hard drive, send in your picture and I'll post it on the blog! I'll be happy to give your name, or leave you anonymous, as you prefer.



Marzenia said...

Grats Tharavol! Very brave :PP
How did you like the BLSSUM?
>8< spider pride!

Sargeras said...

At first I thought your comment was supposed to be a haiku, and I kept staring at it like...the syllables...they make no sense! :-(

Anonymous said...

Ah, the BLSSUM is delicious! The oatmeal really lightens it up, along with good, lean ground beef. I personally prefer it with a garlic lover's salsa.

This shot was actually the third time I've made it, trying different compositions. It works with ground turkey as well, but I would recommend using a very flavorful salsa if you do so (not just hot.)

- Tharavol

TheDesktopNinja said...

Demonic Meat Loaf?
I will eat it all at once.
My stomach explodes.

Marzenia said...

I really have to start cooking again!

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